Physical Science Unit Resources


Energy and Matter Potential Energy

Heat Energy Transfer Kinetic Energy

Forces and Interactions

Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion Gravity

Newton’s Third Law of Motion Electric and Magnetic Forces

Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation


Digital and Analog Signals

Structure and Properties of Matter

Atoms, Elements & the Periodic Table Motion of Molecules

Synthetic Materials Changes in Molecule Motion

Chemical Reactions

Evidence of a Chemical Change Thermal Energy Project

Conservation of Mass

Newton’s First and Second Laws Mini Unit Resources
Forces and Interactions Katherine Moore Forces and Interactions Katherine Moore

Newton’s First and Second Laws Mini Unit Resources

Students reflect on the physics of their favorite childhood activity and play with toys (balls, marbles, toy cars, ramps and anything else you have!) to construct their own understanding of force and motion. Then, students use the PhET simulations Balancing Act and Force and Motion to increase their knowledge of Newton's first and second laws. Students practice calculating the net force on an object. Then, they plan and carry out their own investigation to answer the question “How do mass and force affect an object’s motion?” Finally, students share what they learned in a written claim, evidence and reasoning.

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