Physical Science Unit Resources


Energy and Matter Potential Energy

Heat Energy Transfer Kinetic Energy

Forces and Interactions

Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion Gravity

Newton’s Third Law of Motion Electric and Magnetic Forces

Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation


Digital and Analog Signals

Structure and Properties of Matter

Atoms, Elements & the Periodic Table Motion of Molecules

Synthetic Materials Changes in Molecule Motion

Chemical Reactions

Evidence of a Chemical Change Thermal Energy Project

Conservation of Mass

Conservation of Mass Mini Unit Resources
Chemical Reactions Katherine Moore Chemical Reactions Katherine Moore

Conservation of Mass Mini Unit Resources

Students independently practice counting atoms in chemical formulas and review why we cannot turn carbon into gold! They demonstrate the law of conservation of mass by comparing the reactants and products of rust. Students model the reaction between baking soda and vinegar by cutting apart reactant molecules, building the products and creating a poster of this chemical equation!

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Evidence of a Chemical Reaction Mini Unit Resources
Chemical Reactions Katherine Moore Chemical Reactions Katherine Moore

Evidence of a Chemical Reaction Mini Unit Resources

Students differentiate between physical and chemical changes and learn the signs of a chemical reaction. Then, they plan and carry out an investigation and compare reactants (baking soda and vinegar) and products to determine if a chemical change has occurred. Students share their evidence for a chemical change with a claim, evidence and reasoning assessment.

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