Weathering, Erosion, Deposition Mini Unit Resources

Weathering, Erosion and Deposition Mini Unit for NGSS MS ESS2-2

In the Weathering, Erosion and Deposition mini unit, students model weathering with plaster, a balloon and freezer and then they attempt to dissolve rocks in vinegar.  Kids watch water erode sand in a stream table and describe weathering and erosion taking place in their backyard. Extension activities challenge students to write a formal email to an earth science professional. This is an excellent skill for every middle school student to practice!

Anchor Phenomenon Ideas:  Share an article about a recent landslide or another significant erosion event like the loss of the Mississippi River delta or this image of a changing river over time.  Use the authentic questions students come up with to make connections throughout the unit.  

Make it Relevant:  Point out local examples of erosion and weathering throughout the unit to help to help students make connections to their learning.  Go on a neighborhood walk or take pictures of local geologic features to share in class.  Make connections with a local earth science professional to learn more about unique geologic features in your area. We had incredibly high engagement when we asked students to solve the problem of an eroding hill outside our school doors.  They researched, planned and solved the erosion problem!

The Grand Canyon, a largescale example of weathering

Tips and Tricks:   If students are interested, here is a great explanation of how Monument Valley (the opening photo) formed.

The best way for kids to learn about erosion is to observe it.  If you do not have access to a standard stream table, try to make one with sand in a large bin.  To reinforce student observations, share this time lapse video of a meandering stream.


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